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  • Public Options

    Public Options

    Filmed and directed by myself at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN for the Economic Security Project.

  • Guaranteed Income Now Part II

    Guaranteed Income Now Part II

    This sizzle reel was produced by the Economic Security Project in Detroit, MI. I traveled to their day long event in downtown Detroit to film participants, vendors, speakers, and public leaders to create this recap for their stakeholders and investors.

  • Bold New Consensus

    Bold New Consensus

    Filmed, edited, and designed by Rah Studios. Produced by the Economic Security Project at the Cooper Union Building in New York, New York.

  • Guaranteed Income

    Guaranteed Income

    A project compiled for the Economic Security Project to present at their annual Guaranteed Income conference in Detroit, MI. This piece was taken from a combination of researched headlines and news clips paired with a prepared script to narrate the sequence to lift up the progress to the GI now movement. All music beds, sound effects, voice over talent, and title animations directed and prepared by Rah Studios LLC.